Friday, September 4, 2020

Pompeii :: essays research papers fc

Pompeii Pompeii is conceivably the best-recorded fiasco in Antiquity. As a result of it, we know now how the Pompeians lived in light of the fact that they abandoned a broad heritage of craftsmanship, including landmarks, figures and canvases. Pompeii lay on a level of antiquated magma close to the Bay of Naples in western Italy in a district called Campania, under 1.6 kilometers from the foot of Mount Vesuvius. With the coast toward the west and the Apennine Mountains toward the East, Campania is a ripe plain, navigated by two significant streams and rich soil. Notwithstanding, in the good 'ol days, it was anything but an amazing city. Researchers have not had the option to recognize Pompeii’s unique occupants. The primary individuals to settle in this area were most likely ancient trackers and fishers. By at any rate the eight century B.C., a gathering of Italic individuals known as the Oscans involved the district; they in all likelihood built up Pompeii, in spite of the fact that the specific date of its inception is obscure. â€Å"The foundation of the word Pompeii would give off an impression of being the Oscan word for the number five, pompe, which proposes that either the network comprised of five villas or, maybe, was settled by a family gathering (gens Pompeia)†(Kraus 7). Over the span of the eight century B.C., Greek and Etruscan colonization invigorated the improvement of Pompeii as a city around the territory of the Forum. A point for significant exchange courses, it turned into a spot for exchanging towards the inland. Up until the center of the fifth century B.C., the city was commanded politically by the Etruscans. Throughout the sixth century B.C., the impact of Greek culture is additionally archived by earthenware pieces, pottery and design. A gathering of warriors from Samnium, called Samnite, attacked the district in the 400’s B.C. Pompeii stayed a generally irrelevant town until the 200’s B.C., when the town entered a pr osperous time of building and extension. The Romans crushed the Samnites, and Pompeii turned out to be a piece of the developing Roman state. Pompeii joined the Italic rebel against Rome, the Social War of 91-87 B.C., and was squashed by Sulla. In spite of the fact that the city was not decimated, it lost its self-governance, turning into a settlement called Colonia Veernia Cornelia P, to pay tribute to its winner L. Cornelius Sulla. By 79 AD, Latin had supplanted Oscan as the essential language, and the laws and culture of Imperial Rome were embedded. The â€Å"romanization† had started. Pompeii developed from a humble cultivating town to a significant and complex modern and exchanging focus.

Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Sacar el permiso de trabajo EAD en Estados Unidos

Sacar el permiso de trabajo EAD en Estados Unidos Una de las formas para trabajar legalmente en Estados Unidos es obteniendo un permiso de trabajo, conocido en inglã ©s por sus siglas EAD. Feed una gran confusiã ³n sobre los permisos de trabajo. Y es que estos sã ³lo se otorgan a las personas que se encuentran en situaciones migratorias muy especã ­ficas y que se detallan ms abajo. No se debe confundir, porque child cosas muy distintas, con las visas de trabajo, que dan derecho a trabajar sin dicho permiso de trabajo. Adems, tener en cuenta que por supuesto ni los ciudadanos americanos y los residentes permanentes legales necesitan un permiso de trabajo. La tarjeta de residencia brinda importantes derechos, entre ellos los de vivir y trabajar permanentemente en los Estados Unidos. En este artã ­culo se explica quiã ©nes pueden solicitar e permiso de trabajo,â cã ³mo se tramita, cul es el costo, quã © hacer si la peticiã ³n es rechazadaâ y cules child las opciones si no se puede aplicar por el permiso de trabajo. Quiã ©nes pueden solicitar un permiso de trabajo EAD en Estados Unidos Refugiados polã ­ticos, sus cã ³nyuges y algunos hijos.Asilados, con estatus concedido o pendiente. Si bien en este caso lleva ms tiempo obtenerlo de lo que se cree debido a lo que se conoce como el Stop the watch. Este beneficio tambiã ©n aplica a su cà ³nyuge.Ciudadanos de Micronesia, Palau o las Islas Marshall.Personas a las que se les yield una salida obligatoria diferida (DED, siglas en inglã ©s) Extranjeros con un Estatus Temporal de Protecciã ³n (TPS) o protegidos por NACARA (Ley de ajuste nicaragã ¼ense y de alivio centroamericano).Estudiantes con una visa F-1â que reã ºnen los requisitos.Estudiantes vocacionales con una visa M-1 que quieren adquirir conocimientos prcticos tras finalizar sus estudios.Los cã ³nyuges e hijos menores de las personas titulares con una visa de intercambio J-1, como por ejemplo, el caso de maestros o docentes.Los dependientes de titulares de visas G para trabajar en organizaciones internacionales ubicadas en Estados Unidos, o los dependie ntes de un extranjero con un visado NATO o A-1/A-2 (oficiales de otro gobierno). Las personas con visas B-1 que child empleados domã ©sticos o personales de ciudadanos americanos o de extranjeros con visas no inmigrantes.El cã ³nyuge de una persona con una visa de inversor E-1/E-2.El esposo o la mujer del nominal de una visa L-1 en caso de move internacional dentro de una misma compaà ±Ãƒ ­a.El prometido/a de un ciudadano americano y los hijos de aquã ©l que cuenten con una visa K-1 à ³ K-2.El cã ³nyuge de un estadounidense que tenga una visa K-3 y los hijos de à ©ste.Los extranjeros que han solicitado un ajuste de estatus.Solicitantes de una suspensiã ³n de la deportacià ³n.Jà ³venes que se benefician de la Acciã ³n Diferida (DACA, siglas en inglà ©s).Titulares de visas N-8/N-9 (padres o hijos de emigrantes especiales).Los extranjeros contra los que se ha dictado una orden last de deportaciã ³n, siempre y cuando tengan un cã ³nyuge o hijos dependientes en los Estados Unidos y que dependan de sus ingresos y que se prevã © un tiempo largo hasta que se ejecuta la expulsià ³n.Los titulares de visas de la familia T ( vã ­ctimas de trfico humano, tambiã ©n conocido como trata de personas, explotaciã ³n sexual y trabajo forzado y sus familiares inmediatos). Las vã ­ctimas de violencia domã ©stica por VAWA.Los extranjeros con una visa U-1 (vã ­ctimas de delitos violentos como violaciã ³n, violencia domã ©stica o tortura) y sus familiares con visados del mismo grupo.Los muchachos abandonados o abusados que solicitan los beneficios del programa SIJ.Y a partir del 26 de mayo de 2015 las personas con una visa H-4 (esposos de extranjeros con una visa H-1B para profesionales) siempre y cuando estã ©n en una de las dos categorã ­as siguientes Tener una peticiã ³n I-140 aprobada, es decir, de solicitud de una green card.Que el esposo/a con la H-1B tenga un estatus de visa extendida ms all de los 6 aã ±os porque tiene una aplicaciã ³n de green card pendiente. Cules child las opciones para trabajar en USA si no se puede solicitar un permiso de trabajo Las formas para trabajar legalmente child las siguientes: Tener la ciudadanã ­a History of the U.S. Estas child las 5 formas para obtenerla.Tener una residencia permanente (green card). Estas child 29 formas posibles para sacarla.Tener una visa de trabajo. Este es un listado de ms de 20.Tener una visa de intercambio J-1, como por ejemplo, para maestros, investigadores y profesores universitarios, au-sets, etc.Las visas de inversiã ³n E-1 y E-2. Una vez que se tiene un documento que permite trabajar legalmente en Estados Unidos, se puede buscar trabajo de diferentes formas, entre ellas a travã ©s de bases de datos. Aunque no es Estados Unidos, a veces puede ser una excelente opciã ³n considerar otros paã ­ses, como por ejemplo, Canad, particularmente en el caso de profesionalistas cuyas habilidades child buscadas en el paã ­s vecino.â Adems, tener en cuenta que en Canad, adems de la opciã ³n de emigrar siguiendo las reglas del gobierno canadiense, existe la posibilidad de hacerlo siguiendo las reglas de cada provincia. En specific, para las personas que hablan francã ©s nivel medio resultan muy interesantes las que ofrece Quebec. Documentaciã ³n para solicitar un permiso de trabajo El formulario para la peticiã ³n del permiso de trabajo es el I-765. Se puede presentar en forma de papel y tambiã ©n electrã ³nicamente (comprobar que se califica para esto à ºltimo). Es muy importante entender que cada grupo de extranjeros debe presentar documentaciã ³n diferente. Por ejemplo, no es lo mismo lo que debe enviar con la peticiã ³n una persona con una visa U-1 que otra que ha solicitado asilo. Pero tasks los solicitantes deben adjuntar con su peticiã ³n, si es que à ©sta la envã ­an al USCIS: Una copia del I-94 o registro de entrada y salida, excepto los que solicitan bajo la categorã ­a de ajuste de estatus.Una copia por el derecho y el revã ©s de tasks los permisos de trabajo que se hubieran tenido con anterioridad.Dos fotos idã ©nticas y a shading estilo pasaporte tomadas en los 30 dã ­as anteriores al envã ­o de la solicitud. Arancel (cuota o tarifa) que pagar al USCIS Costo general La tarifa de presentaciã ³n de la solicitud es de $410, excepto parta los jã ³venes que aplican por DACA que deben pagar adems otros $85 en concepto de pruebas biomã ©ticas. Es decir, para estos muchachos el costo absolute es de $495. Sin ban, no tienen que abonar una cuota por solicitar el permiso de trabajo los solicitantes por primera vez bajo las siguientes categorã ­as: refugiados, asilados en determinadas categorã ­as, titulares de visas N-8/N-9, U-1 (vã ­ctimas de violencia), T-1 (trfico de personas). Tampoco tienen que abonarlo los ciudadanos de Micronesia, Palau o las Islas Marshall, las personas dependientes de oficiales de gobiernos extranjeros o trabajadores de organizaciones internacionales ubicadas en Estados Unidos o de NATO. Tambiã ©n estn excluidos de esta obligaciã ³n las personas que solicitan por sã ­ mismas amparo en aplicaciã ³n de VAWA por ser vã ­ctimas de violencia domã ©stica o aquellos extranjeros a los que se les ha concedido una suspensiã ³n de la deportaciã ³n. Personas con dificultades econã ³micas que pueden estar exentos de pagar Adems, otras personas que deberã ­a pagarlo pero estn pasando por una à ©poca financiera difã ­cil podrã ­an, si cumplen con los requisitos, aplicar para no pagar la tarifa al USCIS. Quã © hacer si se retrasa en obtener respuesta ms all de lo que child plazos habituales En estos casos, consultar con un abogado para estudiar si procede demandar al USCIS mediante un writ of mandamus. Este artã ­culo es informativo. No es asesorã ­a lawful.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

The Concepts Of Equality And Inclusion

The Concepts Of Equality And Inclusion In my exposition my expectation is for the peruser to increase a knowledge to the viability of enactment and flows Scottish Government strategy through different variables. These elements being partiality, segregation, destitution, generalizing, and advancing social equity and consideration. I have likewise investigated assorted variety and how the above components can impact in an early year setting. With having a knowledge to different characters, I have thought about its application to arrangement and practice in the early years settings. Siraj Blatchford, (2006) depicts different characters, as Identity development is a mind boggling process that is rarely finished. She accepted people understanding of sexual orientation, class, and other developmental classifications will frame ones personality. Character can be depicted as a kaleidoscope, proposing kids are for the most part people and contrasts in individuals. Guardians sees, media pictures, and the childs own discernments dependent on their encounters and the qualities they have been demonstrated can shape their character. Youngsters may have had a solid good example in their life missing and have a pessimistic view of individuals. Siraj Blatchford, (1998) stresses the significance to abstain from generalizing and the job an early years staff should be watchful of this and to play a functioning job in making arrangements for, that abstain from generalizing supporting and creating individual childrens ways of life as stunning students of an expansive and parity educational program. Kids at my situation had the chance to communicate their own personality through their own arranging. This is clear in Task 1 (Appendix-A:1). Standard 11 from the National Care Standards (2005), Each kid or youngster approaches an adequate and appropriate scope of assets. Point 1 of Standard 11 shows this ought to be evident with giving multi-social materials. Enactment, for example, the Equality Act (2010) gives todays society a law that shields people from out of line treatment and advances a reasonable and increasingly equivalent society. Early year professionals should know about this demonstration. This will at that point fortify their insight and help towards forestalling segregation and imbalance. Early years professionals are additionally secured by the enactment. While on arrangement I examined what assets they needed to meet all individual and different characters. This is obvious in Task 2 (Appendix A:2). This is additionally inline with Getting it directly for each youngster, (2007) were is states Children and youngsters ought to be associated with arranging as per their age, stage and comprehension. Specialists at that point are putting the kid needs at the middle and build up a mutual comprehension inside the setting and across organizations. There are eight sub headings that Scotland feels Children in Scotland ought to have met. These are Safe, Healthy, Achieving, Nurtured, Active, Respected, Responsible, and Included. An arrangement might be set up if a youngster isn't having the option to accomplish one of the abovementioned. An arrangement is set up for the childs objectives to be practiced and to screen the childs progress. A kid with this appraisal instrument is having their individual needs took a gander at. In Task 1(Appendix A:1) it is clear exhibiting how the setting managed a youngster who had explicit individual needs and who the setting was in association with. Staff ought to know how they treat kids as people to abstain from generalizing what a young lady can play with and what a kid can play with. For instance a kid ought not be debilitated from playing in the home corner as that would generalization it should just be young ladies. This is plot in Lindon, (1998). Kids ought to have the option to pick and play with what they need. Staff ought to know about their language towards kids and shouldnt recommend solid young men or a smart young lady to pass on a message. This was laid out in my perceptions where the kids had the decision to pick what they need to play with and what territory in the den. This is laid out in Task 1 (Appendix A:1) . Early years foundations ought to consider The Race Relations Amendment Act, (2000). This demonstration shields staff from being racial manhandled advancement of good uniformity to all individuals paying little mind to their racial gatherings. Milner, (1983) exhibited kids have demonstrated constructive and antagonistic emotions about individuals from an alternate race from themselves. As a specialist guaranteeing they depict a positive picture to all will debilitate negative and racial partiality while making kids mindful not every person is the equivalent. Arranging with Curriculum for Excellence (2009) will urge for kids to be Responsive Citizens which spreads regard for other people and comprehend various convictions and societies. In early years settings it is predominately females however a blended work power is a bit of leeway for kids and staff. Kids should have positive associations with females and guys. There ought to be a staff business procedure and arrangement to forestall generalizing and segregation while enlisting. Staff ought to likewise address male gatekeepers when they come to gather the youngster as opposed to just addressing the moms. This would be considered as preference towards the male job of child rearing. In my situation they had an enrollment strategy, which was obvious at the passageway. This is sketched out in Task 3 (Appendix A:3). HMIE The Child at the Center, (2007) marker 9.1 glances at advancement of inspirational perspectives to social and social assorted variety. By conversing with both female and guys guardians the vision is shared and all are cooperating. This implies all engaged with the setting have a common information on the setting points and qualities. In point 9.1 is additionally portrays the significance of commending decent variety and consideration. This is a key point as it might then advance inspirational mentalities in which will have a thump on impact on the youngster impression of what is adequate. While having security for youngsters and their privileges, every kid ought to be treated as an equivalent while getting their individual needs met. All youngsters ought to be dealt with genuinely paying little mind to their home conditions. Kids have a superior possibility to a more promising time to come throughout everyday life if enactment is set up. Pre-school is significant for kids to get positive messages and learn estimations of others. On the off chance that kids are in a minority in a nursery class they are bound to think that its troublesome whenever marked or generalized. This is in-accordance with what Dowling, (2010) accepts youngsters will gain from the message got from the grown-ups in their life and through demonstrating. Acts are set up to secure youngsters and others. The Children (Scotland) Act 1995 ensures the government assistance, security and privileges of the kid. Childrens support in family, network and culture makes a specific commitment to their life (Waller, 2005). Early year settings ought to make it their obligation to function admirably along with guardians, specialists and organizations to handle issues against class, destitution and separation. Additionally staff ought to focus on all childrens results to be accomplished paying little heed to their group, so kids dont fall into a low class society because of absence of chances. As a specialist I have a duty to utilize enactment in my training and depict positive pictures to youngsters pretty much all being equivalent and rewarded decently which is in-accordance with National Care Standards, (2005), Standard 8, point 1. The Equality Bill, (2009) is to diminish financial disparities. It gives every individual chance to prevail to manufacture a cutting edge prosperous society, handling any hindrances that keep individuals down. In the event that individuals get help they wont start to have a feeling of sadness. Administrations ought to focus on all childrens results to be accomplished paying little heed to their group, so kids dont fall into a low class society because of absence of chances. Similarly Well, (2008) is The Scottish Government way to deal with handling neediness and to improve the wellbeing in Scotland. It covers focuses, which will impact a youngster opportunity throughout everyday life. Childrens conditions in the most punctual long stretches of life are basic to future wellbeing disparities. On the off chance that work can be set up at the most punctual stage conceivable it accomplish to a closure of the pattern of todays wellbeing imbalances which is the thing that the guardians passes onto the youngster and influencing their future. Similarly well, (2008) is likewise in accordance with the Scottish Government strategy, Early Years Framework, (2009). Through this they would like to change the concentration from emergency mediation to avoidance and early intercession. Accomplishing Our Potential (2008) likewise is a structure, which is attempting to handle destitution in todays society. The Government through this arrangement is intending to help the ind ividuals who are in destitution or any people that in danger of falling into neediness. In Scotland they discovered 17% of Scotland populace was influenced by relative destitution. The Early Year Framework, (2009) intends to give kids the best beginning to their life through the help of families, networks and administrations. Further more if all cooperating it should assist with improving the condition of individuals wellbeing through, less worry for guardians as getting support, more secure lodging and situations for kids to create and learn. It will likewise improve commitment with youngsters and families. The structure works nearby the UN Convention on Rights of the Child, (1989). One of the focuses which is significant for early years setting to know about is Article 27 Children grow up liberated from destitution in their initial years and have their results characterized by their capacity and potential instead of their family foundation. This applies to all kids paying little mind to their age, sex, race, culture convictions and societal position. As per Bennett and Moss report, ( 2009) Working with Diversity: outline of a conversation paper for Children in Scotland. They trusted a few kids administrations help add to social equity. One of the key subjects being working with ethnicity and neediness They accepted that kids with a lower financial gr

American Bar Association, Section of Environment, Energy, and Resources Essay Example for Free

American Bar Association, Section of Environment, Energy, and Resources Essay The utility that is right now managed by an administrative commission or office is power. The state, government and neighborhood organizations control power that is conveyed to the buyers while simultaneously deciding the pace of return for the utility. One of the significant bodies that play out the obligation of controlling power rates is the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) (McGrew, American Bar Association, 2009). Guideline of power as one of the regularly utilized utility is finished by administrative offices and specialists that decide the costs that are charged. Aside from the guideline of costs of power that shoppers are charged, the administrative specialists likewise decide the terms of administration to the buyers, the financial plans and the different development designs that have been set up (McGrew, American Bar Association, 2009).   Electricity is a critical utility that should be managed in order to guarantee the insurance of the buyers from deceitful retailers of the utility (McGrew American Bar Association, 2009). The administrative standards set down assistance in setting the retail rates that are charged on purchasers while simultaneously helping the retailers to recuperate the different costs that they have brought about thus give them a pace of profit for its capital that can be viewed as â€Å"fair.† Regulation of power retail rates by government offices and administrative commissions is likewise confronted with the issue of apportioning the normal costs that are engaged with the guideline (McGrew, American Bar Association, 2009).   Furthermore, the utility’s pace of return for the retailers is additionally influenced by the legislative issues, whereby this permits scope that is engaged with the setting of rates for the various shoppers in the market (McGrew, American Bar Association, 2009). The guideline by the administration just as the administrative organizations and commissions likewise necessitate that the utility serves all the clients just as be capable in arranging development and augmentations of offices to envision development in the market (McGrew, American Bar Association, 2009). Deregulation has been a piece of the technique that has been found to have some effect on the gracefully of power just as the rates charged on power flexibly and conveyance.   According to the â€Å"Federal Power Act† (McGrew, J. H., American Bar Association, 2009), the discount cost of power notwithstanding the charges on transmission, should be founded on the expenses of creation (McGrew, American Bar Association. (2009). Notwithstanding, because of deregulation, the FERC will in general acknowledge the costs that are set by the business sectors as long as the set principles by the organization are met. The fundamental explanation behind this acknowledgment of costs set by the business sectors is to energize and bolster rivalry inside the business and decrease restraining infrastructure (McGrew, American Bar Association, 2009).   The deregulation of the business all in all bodes well in that when there is adequate rivalry. Rivalry inside a market helps in the arrangement of value administration to buyers on the grounds that every one of the providers attempts their best to pull in clients (McGrew, American Bar Association, 2009). In this way, it implies that the rates charged on buyers won't be as high as when there is imposing business model in the business. The general strategy by FERC of needing to grow the pretended by the business sectors just as increment deregulation bodes well as far as incomes that providers will make just as a sound market for purchasers (McGrew, American Bar Association, 2009). Reference McGrew, J. H., American Bar Association. (2009). FERC: Federal Energy Regulatory Commission. Chicago, Ill: American Bar Association, Section of Environment, Energy, and Resources. Source archive

Friday, August 21, 2020

Easter Rising 1916 Free Essays

There can be no uncertainty that the reaction of the British government to the Rising contributed quantifiably to the further distance of Irish general supposition. On 26th April 1916, it had presented military law and following day selected Major-General Sir John Maxwell as Commander-in-Chief of troops, Ireland. He had full power to reestablish request, put down the disobedience, and rebuffed its members. We will compose a custom exposition test on Easter Rising 1916 or then again any comparative theme just for you Request Now Maxwell never questioned that its chiefs ought to be court-martialled and those most unmistakable executed. General Maxwell was additionally confirmed that, so as to pound aggressor patriotism, the individuals who had given up with them, and their presumed supporters, ought to be captured and their arms seized in an across the country clear by fighters, bolstered by police. General Maxwell immediately flagged his expectation â€Å"to capture all risky Sinn Feiners†(1), including â€Å"those who have taken a functioning part in the development despite the fact that not in the present rebellion†(2), mirroring the prevalent view that Sinn Fein, a dissident association that was neither activist nor republican, was behind the Rising. Altogether, the security powers captured 3,430 men and 79 ladies and of these 1,841 were sent to England and interned there. In the interim, those idea to have sorted out the insurgence had been kept down in Ireland for preliminary 190 men and 1 lady named Countess Markievicz. In 90 cases the court’s decision was ‘Death by being shot’. All signatories of the announcement were executed. The executions began on May third in Kilmainham Jail with the execution of Patrick Pearse was the first to be singled out for execution, he was not permitted to see his mom or sibling before his execution, Thomas MacDonagh and Thomas Clarke . The subsequent day is the executions of William Pearse sibling of Patrick Pearse, Edward Daly, Michael O’Hanrahan, and Joseph Plunkett whom wedded Grace Gifford in the jail house of prayer hours before his execution. On the next day John McBride was executed alone would not be blindfolded before his execution. At that point on May eighth Eamonn Ceannt, Michael Mallin, Sean Heuston and Conn Colbert were executed. On the most recent day of execution May twelfth Sean MacDiarmada and James Connolly who is attached to a seat because of his messed up lower leg were executed. Sir Roger Casement was attempted in London for high injustice and hanged at Pentonville Prison on 3 August. Notwithstanding the 15 executed, 97 others of those attempted by court-military were condemned to death. Frightened by the move occurring in popular conclusion in Ireland and by the shock communicated in the House of Commons by individuals from the Irish Parliament Party, most remarkably Lawrence Ginnel and John Dillion, Prime Minister Asquith made a trip to Dublin on 12 May the day where James Connolly and Sean MacDiarmada were executed, regardless of a wire from Asquith to General Maxwell saying that there were to be no further executions aside from under extraordinary and uncommon conditions. Maxwell, probably, thought about that MacDiarmada and Connolly had assumed such driving jobs that they couldn't be reprieved. There were no further executions, the sentences of the other 97 being driven to terms of detainment. The anticipated impact of these measures was to expand open compassion, both for the agitators and their objectives. During May, the police specialists noted even among moderate patriots a developing ‘wave of resentment,’ incited by the inclination that ‘unnecessary seriousness had been deployed’. Side effects of the adjustment in perspectives incorporated the accompanying: the expanding recurrence of remembrance masses for the executed renegades; the developing deals of photos of them; the setting up of help assets for their families; the presence of tunes and numbers commending their activities; the omnipresence of republican banners and identifications; seeing youngsters walking military style at Gaelic football matches, and the yelling of dissident mottos anyplace individuals accumulated secretly together, for example, at railroad stations. Additionally, there were unpropitious signs that aggressor patriots were revamping, reflected in an ascent in arms robberies and solidifying of perspectives towards the police. The arrival of numerous who had been interned after the Rising †a long way from gaining open appreciation †fuelled hatred, as it was viewed as giving proof that the captures had been made ‘without just cause’. As of now in mid-June 1916, Maxwell anticipated that in a General Election the moderate patriot Irish Parliamentary Party would most likely be supplanted. He was right; in December 1918, it was cleared aside by Sinn Fein. A few overcomers of the Rising proceeded to become pioneers of the autonomous Irish state and the individuals who passed on were worshiped by numerous individuals as saints. Their graves in the previous military jail of Arbor Hill in Dublin turned into a national landmark and the content of the Proclamation was instructed in schools. ‘I and my kindred signatories accept we have struck the principal fruitful blow for Irish opportunity. The following blow, which we have no uncertainty Ireland will strike, will win through. In this conviction, we kick the bucket glad. ‘ Instructions to refer to Easter Rising 1916, Essay models

Saturday, August 8, 2020

Marjane Satrapi and French Breakthroughs

Marjane Satrapi and French Breakthroughs Iranian graphic novelist presents her recent works Sarah H. Wright, News Office October 18, 2006 The Center for Bilingual/Bicultural Studies will present an evening with Iranian graphic novelist Marjane Satrapi on Oct. 23 in the Stata Centers Kirsch Auditorium at 7 p.m. Marjane Satrapi mixed explanations of her artistic process with nuggets of advice about life and criticisms of American foreign policy. All in all, it was a very informative and entertaining event. I am going to have to misquote, so please forgive my poor memory, but during her talk Marjane Satrapi said something along the lines of: We live in such a conservative world these days. Mention eating, and people say cholesterol. Mention smoking, and they say cancer. And if you mention sex, they say AIDS. But you know what? Before the cholesterol, before the cancer, before the AIDS, there is a lot of joy. And life without joy is pointless. Its definitely something to think about. This event, like the French Hip Hop I blogged earlier, is also sponsored by the French department, part of MIT Foreign Languages Literatures. Speaking of which: French language program plumbs cultural depths Students learn where the Pont Neuf meets the Brooklyn Bridge Robin H. Ray, News Office Correspondent October 27, 2006 French-language students at MIT are benefiting from a breakthrough method of instruction developed by Senior Lecturer Gilberte Furstenberg and her colleagues. Working in parallel with English classes at institutions of higher learning in France, the Cambridge students are using Internet forums to explore issues of cultural difference that lie deep beneath the surface of language. As Furstenberg explained in a talk entitled The Pedagogy of Intercultural Understanding, given on Oct. 20 under the aegis of the Center for Bilingual/Bicultural Studies, Learning entails not just facts and knowledge but building understanding of another culture, a journey of exploration and discovery. Thats my French III professor! Nice.

Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Meet Paul Ahn my most inspirational professor

Paul Ahn is one of those professors who makes you want to be a better student. Do I think you should come to Hult International Business School just to take one of Paul’s classes? Yes. Why? Because he will make you fall in love with the subject. In Paul’s class, there is no wrong question. Even when we say something thats incorrect, he doesn’t make us feel bad. Instead, we feel like we are learning in every class. He rewards his students for effort, not accuracy. He appreciates our participation and he makes us feel valued—often by giving out fist bumps! Paul prepares us to create our own future. His enthusiasm for teaching inspired me to study finance. Paul makes the course so interesting that everyone wants to participate.  And his teaching emphasizes the future use of what were learning now. For example, he tells us about the interview process for a job in finance and the questions we may be asked.  He often says that finance is not about memorization—it’s about building an understanding over time and using it to create a better future. So he doesn’t just teach us something and expect us to memorize it. He wants us to understand each concept and know why it is important. He reminds us how much we are paying to be here and shows us how to get the most out of our education. He makes us feel like we can achieve greatness. Having Paul as my professor has been the best experience during my time at Hult. Not only have I learned more, but I also feel appreciated for my effort. I hope he will continue his teaching career for a long time so that everyone can come to Hult, attend his class, and change their mindset about learning. Emily Nguyen, Hult Bachelor of Business Administration student   Paul B. Ahn is an Adjunct Professor of Accounting Finance at Hult International Business School in San Francisco. Known for his inspirational and relatable teaching style, hes a Hult alum himself, having earned his Masters in Finance in 2015 and MBA in 2016. Accelerate your financial career and boost your earning potential with a Masters in Finance from Hult. To learn more, take a look at our blog What can you do with a Master degree in Finance?  or get into wider business with a Masters in International Business instead. Download a brochure or get in touch today to find out how Hult can help you to explore everything about the business world, the future, and yourself. Hult Rotation offers you a chance to study in a truly global way. Our rotation program allows you to study and be immersed in some of the finest cities in the world. 📠¸: @jasminmanzano . Hult Rotation offers you a chance to study in a truly global way. Our rotation program allows you to study and be immersed in some of the finest cities in the world. 📠¸: @jasminmanzano . Each year, Hult seeks to enroll a talented and ambitious incoming class from all over the world. We look for diverse students with a wide range of experiences, perspectives, and interests—students who will thrive in our unique educational atmosphere. Are you ready for a truly global experience? 📠¸: @iambrunadiniz . Each year, Hult seeks to enroll a talented and ambitious incoming class from all over the world. We look for diverse students with a wide range of experiences, perspectives, and interests—students who will thrive in our unique educational atmosphere. Are you ready for a truly global experience? 📠¸: @iambrunadiniz . We’re excited to start 2020 on a ranking high! Hult is proud to have been placed #28 in Poets Quants 2020 rankings for Best Undergraduate Business Schools in the US. Taking a huge leap of 32 places from our 2019 position, we’re also very happy to have secured top positions in key categories like: life-changing experience, practicality of the degree, and global immersion. . With five global campuses, a student body of over 130 nationalities, and a learn-by-doing approach—Hult offers a student experience like no other. . We’re excited to start 2020 on a ranking high! Hult is proud to have been placed #28 in Poets Quants 2020 rankings for Best Undergraduate Business Schools in the US. Taking a huge leap of 32 places from our 2019 position, we’re also very happy to have secured top positions in key categories like: life-changing experience, practicality of the degree, and global immersion. . With five global campuses, a student body of over 130 nationalities, and a learn-by-doing approach—Hult offers a student experience like no other. . â€Å"I’m from an engineering background and needed a whole new skill set for the industry I wanted to switch to. I learned a lot about myself and how I deal with being out of my comfort zone. I learned both soft and hard skills, from how to work in very diverse teams to key accounting metrics and strategy. I was surprised by how weak I was at certain tasks in English or how strong I actually was in other areas. Hult gave me opportunities to try new things and meet people from places I never thought I would have friends. . My internship experiences gave me the chance to broaden my view of different cultures and different companies. I had the opportunity to work and live with people whose values differed from people in my home country. I thought that this would be difficult, but it gave me the chance to reflect on my own values and assess if they were a result of my home country environment or if they were intrinsically mine. . Diederick ter Kulve (@diederick.terkulve) Netherlands Masters in International Business . â€Å"I’m from an engineering background and needed a whole new skill set for the industry I wanted to switch to. I learned a lot about myself and how I deal with being out of my comfort zone. I learned both soft and hard skills, from how to work in very diverse teams to key accounting metrics and strategy. I was surprised by how weak I was at certain tasks in English or how strong I actually was in other areas. Hult gave me opportunities to try new things and meet people from places I never thought I would have friends. . My internship experiences gave me the chance to broaden my view of different cultures and different companies. I had the opportunity to work and live with people whose values differed from people in my home country. I thought that this would be difficult, but it gave me the chance to reflect on my own values and assess if they were a result of my home country environment or if they were intrinsically mine. . Diederick ter Kulve (@diederick.terkulve) Netherlands Masters in International Business . Say a big hello to our Bachelor of Business Administration program cover star, Elisa Orus Plana âÅ" ¨ . â€Å"I’m excited for the future—especially that I cant predict whats going to happen. Maybe Ill end up in Mexico working for a trading company or maybe in Africa, developing my own business. Everything is possible, and the options are constantly changing. I love the idea that Im never going to be stuck doing the same job until the end of my life if I dont want it to be like this. . Hult really supports me and my ambitions and truly believes that we deserve to be considered as professionals as well as students. Here, I get to express not just my opinions but all elements of myself. From my creative side with the Fashion Society to my finance and business sides in Trading Club and the Management Consulting Club. We get a different type of learning here. Not just essential knowledge and theory, but practical skills and mindset. The school is always evolving. We’re encouraged to innovate and to always look for new ways of doing traditional things. We learn how to be more confident and become aware of how we can impact our environment. The school aims to help you become a better version of yourself and to stand out from the crowd.â€Å" . Elisa Orus Plana French Bachelor of Business Administration Class of 2021 Say a big hello to our Bachelor of Business Administration program cover star, Elisa Orus Plana âÅ" ¨ . â€Å"I’m excited for the future—especially that I cant predict whats going to happen. Maybe Ill end up in Mexico working for a trading company or maybe in Africa, developing my own business. Everything is possible, and the options are constantly changing. I love the idea that Im never going to be stuck doing the same job until the end of my life if I dont want it to be like this. . Hult really supports me and my ambitions and truly believes that we deserve to be considered as professionals as well as students. Here, I get to express not just my opinions but all elements of myself. From my creative side with the Fashion Society to my finance and business sides in Trading Club and the Management Consulting Club. We get a different type of learning here. Not just essential knowledge and theory, but practical skills and mindset. The school is always evolving. We’re encouraged to innovate and to always look for new ways of doing traditional things. We learn how to be more confident and become aware of how we can impact our environment. The school aims to help you become a better version of yourself and to stand out from the crowd.â€Å" . Elisa Orus Plana French Bachelor of Business Administration Class of 2021"> During the final days of 2019, you probably reflected on what you’ve accomplished this year—and even this decade—and what you’d like to achieve in 2020. Let us know in the comments below. During the final days of 2019, you probably reflected on what you’ve accomplished this year—and even this decade—and what you’d like to achieve in 2020. Let us know in the comments below. â€Å"The first time we did group work on the program, I went head-to-head with a colleague. It taught me a lot about how I see people, how people see me, and how conflict can be resolved in a kind and productive way. The best feedback you get, when delivered constructively, is the most critical because it really feeds into how you lead. I’ve completely reversed my leadership style—the result is so much richer and more powerful when you lead from behind and lead with strength. . Studying in tandem with working, whilst challenging, gave me the perfect platform to directly apply learning concepts into my business environment, the competitive landscape, and the real-estate industry as a whole. When I started the program, I was very happy in my corporate role. But my courage and aspirations grew to the point that I took on a whole new direction. Having my career coach, Joanna, as a sounding board allowed me to really be strategic and get to know myself. She coached me thro ugh all the interviews, the research, and the questions. It went in parallel with what I was doing academically and after six months everything just clicked. . I went into the EMBA knowing I had nothing to lose and I’ve come out with everything. Great strength, global friends, amazing learning, mentors from professors, a job I love, and the knowledge that I can set my mind to achieve anything and with the right support and resources I’ll get there.† . Kashani Wijetunga British, New Zealand Sri Lankan Associate Director Senior Strategy Consultant CBRE EMBA Class of 2019 . â€Å"The first time we did group work on the program, I went head-to-head with a colleague. It taught me a lot about how I see people, how people see me, and how conflict can be resolved in a kind and productive way. The best feedback you get, when delivered constructively, is the most critical because it really feeds into how you lead. I’ve completely reversed my leadership style—the result is so much richer and more powerful when you lead from behind and lead with strength. . Studying in tandem with working, whilst challenging, gave me the perfect platform to directly apply learning concepts into my business environment, the competitive landscape, and the real-estate industry as a whole. When I started the program, I was very happy in my corporate role. But my courage and aspirations grew to the point that I took on a whole new direction. Having my career coach, Joanna, as a sounding board allowed me to really be strategic and get to know myself. She coached me thro ugh all the interviews, the research, and the questions. It went in parallel with what I was doing academically and after six months everything just clicked. . I went into the EMBA knowing I had nothing to lose and I’ve come out with everything. Great strength, global friends, amazing learning, mentors from professors, a job I love, and the knowledge that I can set my mind to achieve anything and with the right support and resources I’ll get there.† . Kashani Wijetunga British, New Zealand Sri Lankan Associate Director Senior Strategy Consultant CBRE EMBA Class of 2019 . â€Å"It was now or never. I knew that I’d have likely stayed in my neighborhood for years to come if I didn’t take this opportunity. I’d not lived or studied outside of the U.S. before. So I left my job as a global strategist at an advertising agency and moved halfway around the world. I’ve come back a more culturally aware, well-versed person. I’ve realized that everything is a learning experience and an opportunity for growth. Ill definitely carry this mindset with me into the future. Technology and social media allow us to be different people in several places at once. Im excited to see how I can establish myself in whatever city Ill be lucky enough to call home and still maintain deep connections with people all over the world. I’m inspired by my classmates every day. Hearing some of their life stories and how getting this degree fits into their greater mission has been very humbling. My biggest challenge has been finding the ‘right’ path for me. There have been rooms Ive felt like I shouldnt be in, but now Im proud to feel as though I truly belong, wherever I am.† . Dwayne Logan, Jnr. American MBA Class of 2019 . â€Å"It was now or never. I knew that I’d have likely stayed in my neighborhood for years to come if I didn’t take this opportunity. I’d not lived or studied outside of the U.S. before. So I left my job as a global strategist at an advertising agency and moved halfway around the world. I’ve come back a more culturally aware, well-versed person. I’ve realized that everything is a learning experience and an opportunity for growth. Ill definitely carry this mindset with me into the future. Technology and social media allow us to be different people in several places at once. Im excited to see how I can establish myself in whatever city Ill be lucky enough to call home and still maintain deep connections with people all over the world. I’m inspired by my classmates every day. Hearing some of their life stories and how getting this degree fits into their greater mission has been very humbling. My biggest challenge has been finding the ‘right’ path for me. There have been rooms Ive felt like I shouldnt be in, but now Im proud to feel as though I truly belong, wherever I am.† . Dwayne Logan, Jnr. American MBA Class of 2019 . Happy New Year, Hultians! . Happy New Year, Hultians! .

Saturday, May 23, 2020

Macbeth English Ib-Hl Essay - 1229 Words

ENGLISH HL SHAKESPEARE- MACBETH ESSAY It is human nature to be intrigued by all things mystical and dangerous. We fear the unknown but seek it nonetheless out of greed. Most of Shakespeare’s works hold an element of the supernatural and the play Macbeth is no exception. In this play we see a contemporary morality that warns of the dangers of trafficking with instruments of darkness; the witches in the play prophesize of Macbeths future as king, and Macbeth blinded by his hunger for power fails to recognize that the witches prophecies are luring him to evil . In act 1 scà ¨ne 3 we see the effect that the excitement of the prophecies has had on his imagination as he begins to contemplate murdering the king. As Macbeth gets closer to†¦show more content†¦If he were certain about the murder he would have had the confidence to face the exposing light of nature fearlessly. True evil fears no good. Macbeth fears the light then he cannot be a purely evil individual. A purely evil individual fears nothing but him self and to add to that note that is reason why Macbeth is referred to as a tragic hero and not a villain. His tragedy is profound because he realizes that killing the king is wrong and mentally and physically he is very hesitant to do so but he still give into his selfishness ambitions as he makes his ways to Duncan’s chambers. As we move closer to the king’s murder in act 2, the evil in Macbeth begins to strengthen and solidify. We begin to see the cunning traits of a murder surface in Macbeth as the theme of appearance verses reality is brought out in his character at the end of act 1 scene 7 when he says â€Å"false face must hide what false heart doth know†. This example implies that one can never truly tell what is on someone else mind by looking at the face; the face will hide the truth that the heart and mind (conscience) knows. There is a metaphoric reference to the reality that is behind Macbeth’s appearance. The false face that Macbeth speaks of is like a mask worn by a thief. Like a thief he will put on a mask and steal Duncan’s life and crown away from him and no will would know it is him as he is disguised. In the beginning of this scene Macbeth had come to the

Monday, May 18, 2020

The Social Implications Of E Commerce On Society - 2172 Words

Examine the social implications of e-commerce on society Changing customer perspective: This incorporates how web shopping has provided included value to clients as they can purchase items from any place on the planet and can pose as a viable rival costs in the worldwide business to get the best arrangements and discover the best items. Before all else when e-Commerce was beginning individuals were uncertain about the level of administration that they would get. From that point forward numerous laws have been made so that e-Commerce organisations provide service of an incredible level and clients can expect the same level of administration as they would do in a high road shop. Client point of view has likewise changed on security issues and simplicity of using e-Commerce sites. In the first place individuals were uncertain about utilizing their charge cards online yet from that point forward numerous individuals are trusting when paying online and huge numbers of the more established era now shop on there. Bricks and clicks Bricks and clicks is a term used as a part of business which shows that business has shops or outlets (blocks implies physical presence) furthermore bargains online (clicks implies web presence). Web exchanging is anything but difficult to begin off and obliges less cost to begin and keep up. A high road shop don t have to purchase a major store to hang all items with dividers. There are site like eBay, Amazon which take ostensible expense ofShow MoreRelatedThe Impact of Culture on Consumer Behavior1788 Words   |  7 Pages[Course] Table of Contents Abstract: 3 Introduction: 4 General cultural differences: 4 Culture other than Own: 5 Own Culture: 5 Cultural differences in marketing and consumer behavior: 6 Consumption: 6 Motives for Consumption: 8 Implications of cultural differences on marketers: 8 Discussion: 8 Examples of behaviors: 9 Conclusion: 9 References: 11 Appendix 1: 12 Survey Form: 12 Abstract: The role of culture and consumer behavior in shaping marketing strategies is exploredRead MoreBusiness Challenges : Sustainability Is More Than Corporate Social Responsibility1209 Words   |  5 PagesBusiness Challenges related to Sustainability: Sustainability is more than corporate social responsibility. It is a challenge to companies, how they grow and make more profit without harming the environment, society and efficiencies of the employees. When it comes to sustainability issues then Stakeholders are centre of discussion. Businesses face challenges in terms of political environment, ethical, cultural, economic issues. Companies have to design their long term business strategies keepingRead MoreImportance Of E Commerce Infrastructure On Present Era And The Coming Generations1108 Words   |  5 Pages E-commerce Infrastructure Vijay Kumar Mayure California University of Management and Sciences â€Æ' Introduction E-commerce is abbreviated as electronic Commerce which deals with buying and selling the products through the networking applications such as Internet. The main purpose of this paper is to study about the importance of E-commerce Infrastructure in present era and the coming generations. Hardware, Software, and Networks are the basic varieties required for E-commerce InfrastructureRead MoreThe Three Major Factors Fueling International Technological Growth1271 Words   |  6 PagesThe Three Major Factors Fueling International Technological Growth According to Matthew and Kleiner (2008) the three major factors fueling international technological growth are the internet, telecommunications, and e-commerce. The internet has the capability to generate international market expansion and future international growth for firms. It has evolved into a mechanism that can be used to capture new international market opportunities. Due to transactional and communication capabilitiesRead MoreSocial Media: Legal Implications and Perspective1335 Words   |  6 Pagescentury world has witnessed perverted ascription to social media marketing sprouting from the fact that most people have migrated to their online cocoons. To succinctly integrate these online communities into their marketing campaigns, organizations have devised social media marketing campaigns geared towards either blogging, websites, or platforms like face book and twitter. However, there is need to adhere and evaluate the legal implications of social media marketing activit ies by these organizationsRead MoreSustainability Is More Than Corporate Social Responsibility1874 Words   |  8 Pages 1. Sustainability a) Business Challenges related to Sustainability: Sustainability is more than corporate social responsibility. It is a challenge to companies, how they grow and make more profit without harming the environment, society and efficiencies of the employees. When it comes to sustainability issues then Stakeholders are centre of discussion. Businesses face challenges in terms of political environment, ethical, cultural, economic issues. Companies have to design their long term businessRead MoreIndustry : Exclusive Artistic Products Industry1077 Words   |  5 PagesIndustry: Exclusive artistic products Industry in North America The force - Variables Strategic Impact P Political High political stability and national security. Environmental laws keep upgrading towards implications how products are made and how it can impact the society. The NAFTA (North American Free-Trade Agreement) is undergoing to mutual benefit both side of partners The overall political forces have more positive impact on this industry, Take full advantage of environmental law andRead MoreHow Is the Internet Reshaping What We Mean by Culture?1436 Words   |  6 PagesHow is the Internet reshaping what we mean by culture? During the 20th century, electricity, the telephone, the automobile, and the airplane made the world more accessible to people and transforming our society in the process. Most people had to call their local bank to check their statements. Or wait for the paper invoice in the mail. The latest score for last nights hockey game were found in the local newspaper. Then came the accessible worldwide system of interconnected networks called theRead MoreEssay How Is The Internet Reshaping Culture1362 Words   |  6 PagesHow is the Internet reshaping what we mean by culture? During the 20th century, electricity, the telephone, the automobile, and the airplane made the world more accessible to people and transforming our society in the process. Most people had to call their local bank to check their statements. Or wait for the paper invoice in the mail. The latest score for last nights hockey game were found in the local newspaper. Then came the accessible worldwide system of interconnected networks called theRead MoreThe Information Flow Of E Commerce1594 Words   |  7 PagesThe above figure indicates how the information flow takes place in an e commerce environment from the user in terms of his queries regarding the product catalog, Its attributes like price, description or part number through an interface and also how the selling enterprise 2 can organize its activities of ordering, inventory, sales. finance through efficient use of digital technology. Pros and Cons The general advantages that it has yielded to the businesses can be seen in terms of the enhanced

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Austin s Sustainability Pl Austin - 1164 Words

Austin is the capital city of Texas, and is known by many as the live music capital of the world. It has both national and state historical roots; its culture is centered on the arts and entertainment. It spans 297.9 square miles, as of April 1st 2014 its population was 811,458 people. There are 344,289 households with a density of 2,653 people per square mile. As illustrated in figures 1 and 2 it is both ethnically and economically diverse. Austin has several major industries including technology, healthcare, business, and entertainment. It is a popular location for businesses and individuals because there is no income tax, it has a modern and efficient transportation network, the workforce is considered highly skilled, and†¦show more content†¦To improve upon these figures, Resolution 20140410-024 was supported in 2015 with Austin’s community climate plan â€Å"Net-Zero.† Spearheaded by the Community Climate Steering Committee, â€Å"Net-Zero† lays the framework for both the local government and community to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions to near zero. Up to this point all city owned buildings and facilities are 100% reliant on renewable energies such as solar and wind energy. Pending projects will increase solar energy by 149 MW and wind energy by 400 MW. Figure shows Austin’s energy generation goals achieved by 2020. Figure 4: Austin s path to Net-Zero greenhouse gas emissions. iv. A Sustainable Food System Reducing CO2 emissions is an important part of a sustainable community, but changes in human behaviors are necessary to ensure these goals are met. An estimated 9.3 acres of farmland are lost every day in and around Austin. As of 2014 less than 1% of the food consumed in the region is produced locally, and of the food imported an estimated 97 thousand tons enters the landfill. This has a value of nearly $200 million. A great method for reducing food waste is composting, in the region approximately 1,837 tons, or 1.9% of the total waste, is being turned back into the soil. This is a part of Austin’s â€Å"field to fork† food system that addresses the growth, distribution, consumption, and recovery of food. Locally growing all food consumed in the region not only reduces transportationShow MoreRelatedCobit Framework21120 Words   |  85 Pagesali ty Fid uci ary Se cur ity Delivery and Support Domains People Application Systems Technology IT Processes Processes Facilities Data 16 IT GOVERNANCE INSTITUTE — COBIT FRAMEWORK IT Re so ur ce Activities s FRAMEWORK Monitoring All IT processes need to be regularly assessed over time for their quality and compliance with control requirements. This domain thus addresses management’s oversight of the organisation’s control process and independent assuranceRead MoreDells Supply Chain Strategies39734 Words   |  159 Pagespredictions about the end product demand over time [44]. 9 2.2 2.2.1 Dell’s Supply Chain Strategies General Information about Dell Dell was founded by Michael Dell in 1984, while he was still a student at the University of Texas in Austin. From its very first steps, the direct sales model was adopted: At the beginning computers were sold over the phone and they were built according to the customers specifications [28]. After a short break of using the retail channel from 1990 to 1994Read MoreContemporary Issues in Management Accounting211377 Words   |  846 Pagesglobal management accounting community. Alnoor Bhimani London School of Economics December 2005 CONTENTS ‘ FOREWORD Anthony Hopwood PREFACE Alnoor Bhimani CONTRIBUTORS 1. New measures in performance management Thomas Ahrens and Christopher S Chapman 2. Contract theory analysis of managerial accounting issues Stanley Baiman 3. Reframing management accounting practice: a diversity of perspectives Jane Baxter and Wai Fong Chua 4. Management accounting and digitization Alnoor Bhimani 5. TheRead MoreConflict Management and Emotional Intelligence63003 Words   |  253 Pageset    al.,   2002).       Researchers   have   related   personality  and   emotional  quotient,  and   have  investigated   the   relative   strength   of   association   of   emotional   quotient   and   personality   with   measures   such   as   social   80 support  (Austin  et  al.,  2004).            Past  rivalry   Conflict  is  really  all  about  history  (Iain,  2005).      When  people  are  not  neutral  to  the   matters  they  are  dealing  with  or  the  people  they  are  dealing  with,  a  history  of  bad   experiences  may  dominate  and  their  emotions  or  perceptions  may  determine  what

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Divisive Politics Of Slavery - 2638 Words

Subject: US World History Current Topic: 4.1 The Divisive Politics of Slavery Date: 8/18/15 Questions/ Cues: Notes: What caused secession in the South? Why do you think that popular sovereignty was created? Describe what the Underground Railroad was? Who was Harriet Tubman? How did Harriet Beecher Stowe work to resolve slavery? Why do you think that Franklin Pierce’s democratic victory was important? Can you explain the case of Dred Scott? How did Stephen Douglas believe slavery should be stopped? How did Abraham Lincoln test Douglas in the debate? Which states formed the Confederacy? What was Jefferson Davis role in the Confederacy? Slavery in the Territories The border dispute where Texas (slave state) claimed the eastern half of the New Mexico Territory to them. In Texas, slavery had not been resolved at the time and new warnings of formal withdrawals of a state from the union arisen. Popular sovereignty was established to please the North South with a fair way of deciding slavery in states as a compromise. It was the right to vote for or against slavery, for residents of New Mexico and Utah territories. Protest, Resistance, and Violence These were a system of escape routes created to help slaves escape from slavery. With the help from Conductors, free african americans, and white abolitionists, they worked to secure them protection, provided food and clothing, and work their way to the next station.Show MoreRelatedEssay on Manifest Destiny and American Politics658 Words   |  3 PagesDuring the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries the United States saw many problems come and go. Some problems were more important than others, however all led to further division of American politics. The most divisive issue in American politics during this time frame was the idea of Manifest Destiny, or territorial expansion. Manifest Destiny was the idea that it was the United States’ destiny to take over all of North America from the Atlantic to the Pacific. Most of the publicRead MoreThe Root Of The War Between The States1441 Words   |  6 Pagesthat stands out for being the most divisive: slavery. Its presence and lack of deeply affected three other divisive cultural aspects: ethnicity, social class, and labor. These four issues, how they interacted, evolved, how the North and South viewed them is what laid the foundation of the road to war and beyond. However before addressing the beyond the paper will address the South’s viewpoint. Central to the South’s perception was the institution of slavery. Slavery was the keystone of Southern societyRead MoreThe Legacy Of The American Civil War1283 Words   |  6 Pagestopics such as slavery had been considered to be the root of the War Between the States. All of these subjects are actually just facets of one and that is culture. The idea that the American Civil War was the result of divergent and clashing northern and southern cultures is one that is valid, sound, and supported. Culture affects how people perceive themselves, others, and the world. Of the many aspects of American culture there are a few that stand out for being the most divisive: slavery, ethnicityRead MoreThe Key Events of American History and Their Impact on Society1484 Words   |  6 Pagestime period before the Civil War (i.e. 1800 to 1861) marked an era of tremendous changes. What was happening is the country was rapidly expanding westward and industrializing. This created problems about h ow to solve a host of issues ranging from: slavery to states rights. To fully understand what is happening requires focusing on: key events / issues that led to the rise of the Republican Party and the consequences / transformations of Lincolns presidency. Together, these different elements willRead MoreThe Evolution of American Democracy1440 Words   |  6 Pagesimportant roles in Jeffersonian America. By the 1830s and 1840s, spontaneous parades and mob actions played smaller roles in political life, and more-respectable citizens viewed such activities as disorderly and criminal. Popular participation in politics was more and more limited to voting. Furthermore, voting was organized not by the voice of the citizenry, but by a national twoÂâ€"party system staffed by disciplined professionals. These professionals included candidates, appointed office holdersRead MoreThe Evolution Of American Democracy Essay1406 Words   |  6 Pagesimportant roles in Jeffersonian America. By the 1830s and 1840s, spontaneous parades and mob actions played smaller roles in political life, and more-respectable citizens viewed such activities as disorderly and criminal. Popular participation in politics was more and more limited to voting. Furthermore, voting was organized not by the voice of the citizenry, but by a national twoÂâ€"party system staffed by disciplined professionals. These professionals included candidates, appointed office holdersRead MoreThe Powers Of The National Government1570 Words   |  7 PagesThirteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution abolished slavery and involuntary servitude, except as punishment for a crime, This amendment was a direct result of the civil war. The fourteenth amendment addresses citizenship rights and equal protection of the laws, and was proposed in response to issues related to treatment of  freedmen  following the war. The fifteenth amendment: By 1869, amendments had been passed to abolish slavery and provide citizenship and equal protection under the lawsRead MoreEarly Us Hist Essay1006 Words   |  5 Pagespassed the Alien and Sedation acts to suppress public criticism of the government and limit the freedom of foreigners in the US. Outcry against th ese acts helped the republican cause. then the rise of democratic politics – between 1820 and 1840, a revolution took place in American Politics. When property and taxpaying qualifications for voting were repealed, voter participation grew drastically. In turn, the expanded electorate made possible the creation of new national political parties. 2nd partyRead MoreThe Violence Of A Multi Ethnic Society1659 Words   |  7 Pageswho used Yugoslavia s economic and political crisis of 1988 in his favour by essentializing the crisis along the lines of ethnic national identity. Through his nationalistic rhetoric which was based on politics of exclusion, Slobodan Milosevic waged a war of nihilism. By thriving on the politics of fear, he redirected Serbian hostility against the national economic crisis by waging a propaganda war in order to create the image of a Serbian nation in opposition to an Other - the Bosnian MuslimRead MoreSlavery1503 Words   |  7 PagesTOPIC ONE: SLAVERY During the first half of the nineteenth century, the South was dominated by an elite group of White men who made their profits off the labor of Black slaves. Only 12% of southern white slaveholders owned twenty or more slaves, the amount used to distinguish between a planter and a farmer. Planters owned more than half of all the slaves and produced three-quarters of the South’s cotton, making these men very wealthy and allowing them to establish the social, political, and economic

Bu340 Managerial Finance 1 Free Essays

Managerial Finance 1 Assignment 01 11-13 -12 1). A limited partnership allows some of the investors to limit their liability. Under these terms, one or more partners are designated general partners and have unlimited liability for the debts of the firm; others contributors are designated limited partners and are liable only for their initial contribution. We will write a custom essay sample on Bu340 Managerial Finance 1 or any similar topic only for you Order Now For example, if partner A and B contribute and of the capital respectively, limited partnership dictates that partner A is liable for only the initial contribution. ). Insider trading occurs when a person has information that is not available to the public and then uses this information to profit from trading in company’s publicly trading securities. This practice is illegal and protected by the government agency called as. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). For Example, if company A’s CEO didn’t trade on the undisclosed takeover news, but instead passed the information on to his relative [brother in law] who traded on it, illegal insider trading is would still have occurred. ). Depreciation is a noncash expense; it has an impact on net cash flow because of its impact on taxes. Every dollar of depreciation expense reduces taxable income by one dollar and thus reduces taxes owed by 1% times the firm’s marginal tax rate. Accelerated depreciation the tax benefits forward in time, and thus increases the present value of the tax shield, thereby increasing the value of the project. 4). Inflation is an increase in the price of goods and services over a certain period of time. In general the price of a product will rise a certain percentage each year. Inflation restricts the usefulness of a balance sheet because actual prices change over time. A balance sheet uses historical or actual values which are not adjusted for inflation. If a person relies on a balance sheet to determine the actual price of a good or service the balance sheet will shows the lower historical price and not the current price. References Block, S. B. , amp; Hirt. , G. A. )2008). Foundations of financial management (12th ed. ). Boston: McGraw-Hill Irwin How to cite Bu340 Managerial Finance 1, Papers

Leadership Understanding of Work Motivation

Question: Motivating individuals and teams to meet organisational objectives is arguably one of the most important tasks for a manager. With reference to examples from your own organisation or an organisation with which you are familiar, consider why this is so. Answer: Introduction The skilful leadership creates the significant impact on the organisational performance. The effective management is determined through the achievement of the organisational objectives. Northouse (2015) indicated that the efficient leaders can motivate the people and influence them to bring out the effective performance attributes. It has been seen that the leaders usually follow the proper leadership style to bring excellence in the team work. However, the effective leadership style is even needed to be connected with the proper motivational process to achieve the pre-determined goals. The leaders need to think more deeply about the proper motivation process that will be beneficial enough to achieve the organisational excellence (Lăzăroiu 2015). The study will be exploring the motivational attributes undertaken by the leaders of Morrisons in UK. The theoretical framework will be representing the relevant process of motivating the employees. Depending on such theoretical framework, the study will further provide the preferable recommendations to the managers of Morrisons. Background of the Organisation Morrisons is the one of the most remarkable supermarkets in United Kingdom. Headquarter of the company is situated at Bradford, West Yorkshire. The mission of the company is to provide the customers more that their expectation level ( 2016). The company is therefore focusing on the high quality food at reasonable prices. In fact, the company is paying attention towards the development of their employees performance skills. Morrisons has set the aim to achieve the pre-determined goals of the organisation by providing the employees enough motivations. The company has considered two major components for achieving the success. The first is to acquire the unique approaches for motivating the employees. Another component is to provide the preferable and high quality goods to the customers. In such cases, the role and responsibility of the managers is necessary. There are almost 500 stores in UK that have been serving the customers by providing them the expected quali ty products ( 2016). The leaders or the managers have been improvising their leadership skills to motivate the employees and bring the performance excellence. The study will be presenting the existing literature related to the motivational theories that are needed to be applied in order to improve the performance parameter. Importance of Motivation It is noted that the maintenance of the proper motivational procedure is necessary for the managers. Over the past centuries, many of the motivational theories have been created in order to understand the human behaviour. Paill et al. (2014) implied that motivation is a requirement that influence the human beings to take the proper action. Employee motivation is one of the major and necessary processes that play the significant role in the organisational behaviour. The efficient leadership tactics can motivate the employees in a significant way and bring out the best performance attributes. If an employee is receiving the proper motivation from the organisation, it will be helpful for that particular employee to improve their performance skills (Lăzăroiu 2015). Eventually, the efficient performance skills will lead towards achieving the organisational and personal objectives. The existing theoretical framework will be signifying the proper motivational process that the managers can apply within the internal organisation setting. It is noted that the skilled performance attributes are required in order to achieve the organisational objectives. The major responsibility of the leaders includes the management of the employees as well as the entire organisations. The establishment of the proper communication skills and the interpersonal relationship of the leaders can increase the reliability among the other associates. When the employees will receive enough motivation from the organisations and avail the opportunities to develop their professional skills, it will energise them to provide more efforts. Therefore, motivation works as the driving force for the effective performance outcomes. Accordingly, the efficient motivational process can be beneficial for the overall organisational scenario. How do managers motivate the employees? The managers in the different organisations undertake diversified techniques to motivate the employees. In Morrisons, the management is trying to provide the high quality customer services to the target consumers. In order to achieve such objectives, it is seen that the company is concentrating on upgrading the performance level of the employees. Therefore, the company started the incentive policies. The employees will be awarded with the incentive amount for selling extra commodities to the customers ( 2016). In such times, the rewarded employees can receive enough motivations from the management. The process is even fruitful enough to ensure their efforts on organisational functionalities. While these employees are benefitted with the incentive amount, other associates are also being influenced for making their performance better. However, in some of the cases, it has been noticed that few people are unable to achieve their targets set for the month. Hence, t he management needs to pay attention towards their performance and identify the reason behind such lagging. Accordingly, if the management can provide them the proper training and development session in order to upgrade their skills, it will also considered as the process of motivation. Theories of Motivation Before analysing the theoretical background of the motivation process, it is necessary to concentrate on several factors that are essentially required to motivate the employees (Ghosh 2013). Such of these motivational factors are: Identification of the ability Growth and learning The sense of achievement Employee empowerment and responsibility Work stimulations Promotion Rewards The factors are somewhat quite complicated and blended with different complex thoughts. Considering such factors, Fredrick Herzberg introduced Two Factor Theory that ensures a unique approach for motivating an individual or a group. The theory is described further: Herzbergs Motivational Theory: Frederic Herzberg was one of the pioneers of job enrichment and the clinical psychologists who introduced the Two Factor theory of Motivation. According to him, several job factors are responsible for creating job satisfaction among the employees. He even mentioned that there are no such job factors that can even prevent the dissatisfaction. The Mr. Herzberg introduced two different factors for ensuring the motivational aspects. These two factors are Motivators and Hygiene Factors. Hygiene Factors: the hygiene factors include the essential components for the motivational process. This particular factor is not considerably leading towards the long term positive satisfaction. However, the absence of these factors may affect the employee motivation that may lead towards dissatisfaction. In different words, it can be interpreted that the presence of hygiene factors is reasonable for the employee satisfaction (Dwivedula, Bredillet and Mller 2015). There are some of the psychological needs that are associated with the hygiene factors. These are as follows: Policies and Administration of the Company: The employees do not prefer the rigid policies of an organisation. The maintenance of the fair and clear approaches in the organisational policies will be beneficial for keeping the existing employees motivated. For example, the flexible working hours, vacations, breaks, and dress codes are needed to be ensured by the organisation ( 2016). Pay: The salary structure of the employees should be reasonable and appropriate. The organisation needs to maintain the equality and competitiveness to those in the same domain and same industry. Physical working condition: The employees prefer the hygienic, safe, and clean work environment to work. The equipments used within the organisation should be well-maintained and upgraded. Fringe Benefits: If the organisation can offer the employees proper health care plans, health programmes, and benefits for their families, it will be much motivating to the existing employees. Interpersonal Relationship: The managers have to maintain the efficient relationship with the employees. If the employees are treated well by their supervisors, managers, and other subordinates, it inspires them to work peacefully. Status: The status of the employees should be retained ad familiar. It will be effective enough for making them more loyal towards the organisation (Dwivedula, Bredillet and Mller 2015). Job Security: The job security is the major concern for the employees. Therefore, the organisations have to keep the major focus on such securities that are needed to be provided to the employees. These hygiene factors are leading the employees towards job satisfaction to some extent. On the other hand, the absence of any of these factors may lead towards the job dissatisfaction. However, apart from such hygienic factors, the motivational factors are also necessarily needed to be implemented. Motivational Factors: Herzberg also explained that some of the hygienic factors are not signified as the motivators. Hence, the motivational factors yield the positive satisfaction of the existing employees (Ghazi, Shahzada and Khan 2013). The presence of such motivators influences the employees to initiate the better performance outcomes. These factors are initially rewarding the employees and making them feel appreciated. These factors are discussed further: Rewards and recognition: If the employees performance is beneficial for the organisation, it is required to recognise their accomplishments. The managers have to take such responsibility in this regard. Growth and Promotional Opportunities: if the employees perform well, the organisation needs to provide the sufficient opportunities to develop their professional careers (Ghosh 2013). The employees can even make the significant growth in their personal and professional behaviour as well. Sense of Achievement: Each of the employees needs to receive the sense of achievement. The managers need to allocate the job as per the skills. The performance of the skilled employees in their expertise areas will thus be fruitful for the organisation as well. Besides, the employees will get the sense of achievement that leads towards satisfaction. Work Meaningfulness: The employees prefer the challenging, meaningful, and interesting works. The managers have to select the preferable work settings to keep the employees motivated. Responsibility: The major concern for the employees is to recognise their responsibilities towards the organisation. The leaders or the managers need to keep the employees informed about the set of responsibilities that are required to be maintained. The recognition of the motivators is leading the employees towards the job satisfactions that keep them motivated for bringing the efficient performance outcome. However, the theory is not focusing on the situational variables that may change the entire scenario (Malik and Naeem 2013). There is the clear assumption based on the linking between motivations and productivity (Yusoff, Kian and Idris 2013). However, later, it was proved that the motivation is not linked with the productivity enhancement. Depending on such factors, the further recommendations are provided. Recommendation The above theoretical discussion is reflecting the necessity of motivating the employees. On the other hand, it was highlighted that the company, Morrisons, has set the aim to motivate the existing employees for the betterment of organisational process. Therefore, the managers or the leaders have to take the set of responsibilities to motivate the employees and ensure the performance excellence. Observing the above factors, it can be interpreted that the first and foremost step of motivation is to understand the requirement of the employees. The skilful leaders therefore need to acquire the proper communicational transparency to understand the basic needs of the employees. If the communicational transparency is present, the employees even feel the security to retain their job. During the situational conflict, the employees should not hesitate to speak about their problems. If they can raise their concerns to the team leaders or the supervisors, it would be effective enough to prevent the employee turnover ratio. The proper motivation provided to the employees will thus lead the organisation towards accomplishing the goals and achieving the performance excellence. Conclusion The study is focusing on the motivational factors that are needed to be implemented by the managers of the organisation. It is noted that the Morrisons is the supermarket chain that provides the quality goods to the customers. Accordingly, in ensuring the enhancements of the performance skills, the leaders of the company are paying attention towards proper motivational process. It is to be indicated that the proper motivation process can make the employees much satisfied. If the employees are satisfied with the organisational environment and the facilities, it will inspire them to bring the better performance outcomes. The literature study indicates the theoretical background based on the employee motivation. Frederick Herzberg introduced the Two Factor Theory, which suggests the hygienic and motivational factors that the organisations need to maintain. It is important to note that if the leaders or the managers can communicate with the employees more significantly, it will be helpfu l enough in resolving the situational conflicts. However, if the managers of Morrisons can pay attention towards such basic needs to keep the employees motivated, the determined organisational objectives can be accomplished. References, 2016. Herzberg's Motivation-Hygiene Theory [online] Available at: [Accessed 27 Aug. 2016]. Dwivedula, R., Bredillet, C. and Mller, R., 2015. Towards an Understanding of Work Motivation in Temporary Organizations. Ghazi, S.R., Shahzada, G. and Khan, M.S., 2013. Resurrecting Herzbergs two factor theory: An implication to the university teachers.Journal of Educational and Social Research,3(2), p.445. Ghosh, A.K., 2013. Employee empowerment: a strategic tool to obtain sustainable competitive advantage.International Journal of Management,30(3), p.95. Lăzăroiu, G., 2015. Employee Motivation and Job Performance.Linguistic and Philosophical Investigations, (14), pp.97-102. Lăzăroiu, G., 2015. Work Motivation and Organizational Behavior.Contemporary Readings in Law and Social Justice, (2), pp.66-75. Malik, M.E. and Naeem, B., 2013. Towards understanding controversy on Herzberg theory of motivation.World Applied Sciences Journal,24(8), pp.1031-1036., 2016. About Morrisons. [online] Available at: [Accessed 27 Aug. 2016]., 2016. Company History - Morrisons. [online] Available at: [Accessed 27 Aug. 2016]. Northouse, P.G., 2015.Leadership: Theory and practice. Sage publications. Paill, P., Chen, Y., Boiral, O. and Jin, J., 2014. The impact of human resource management on environmental performance: An employee-level study.Journal of Business Ethics,121(3), pp.451-466. Yusoff, W.F.W., Kian, T.S. and Idris, M.T.M., 2013. Herzbergs Two Factors Theory On Work Motivation: Does Its Work For Todays Environment.Global journal of commerce and Management,2(5), pp.18-22.

Friday, May 1, 2020

Auditing for Role of Business Intelligence-

Question: Discuss about theAuditing for Role of Business Intelligence. Answer: While performing the physical count of the inventory the auditor must apply certain audit procedures which are ass follows: Test count certain samples from the inventory, Observe well when the process of inventory counting is being done, trace the counts in the inventory register, Double counting must be avaoided in case production is scheduled and movement is happening between the departments. look for items that are scrap and are not discarded(Alexander, 2016). Tag all the inventory separately and see to it that all the inventory tags are accounted for separately. In cases where there are inventory at several locations, then while conducting the inventory count, those places where there is significant portion of the inventory must be selected and accessed. At the end reconciliation must be done. Further, it should be checked that there is no inventory movement or production during inventory count. Clarification of the cut off date and the last shipment details. Goods held for sale or on consignment basis also needs to be checked. These are the few ways in which inventory count can be done(Bromwich Scapens, 2016). For example from a stock of 10000 pieces, test count can be done on sample basis when it is not possible to count in all the items. Few inherent risk factors that are involved in case of intangible assets are Changes in technology and up gradation might affect the development of the asset. Audit transactions are difficult to conduct in case of intangible asset. Like research and development process is difficult to access and identify separately The accounting issues that are involved in case of intangible assets are very complex like ascertainment of fair value of trademarks, valuation of impairment cost of subsidiary etc. The economic environment in case of intangible assets changes significantly over the years(Drew, 2017). In case of plant property and equipment few substantive analytical procedures that can be applied are- Choose an assertion that might be tested like completeness, valuation and other aspects like valuation and other rights and obligation while calculating the period end balance of the plant property and equipment. Check if the total closing balance of the property plant and equipment is under or overvalued. Thus steps must be performed to make sure that the risk levels are reduced to minimum point(Visinescu, et al., 2017). The balances of depreciation and PPE must be compared for the current period and prior period. The ratio of the depreciation and repairs and maintenance and insurance expenses to the related PPE expenses incurred by the company in the current year must be compared with prior year. The company must review the budget proposals for capital expensiture and the actual expenditure incurred in that regard too. Analytical procedures are applied in case of an audit to ascertain the underlying problem in case of an income statement. The first step that will be applied is to ascertain the completeness of the statement to make sure that it is related to the period specified and all the other points are covered and there are no missing points(Laursen Thorlund, 2016). The second step will be to ascertain the accuracy of the financial statement of the company, the financial statements are the most important part of the overall financials of the company and thus it is important that accuracy of the same is checked. The auditor can check each element of the financial statement of the company, by applying specific procedure for them. It might involve checking the prior period items, checking the balances for the current and the previous year and also conducting the necessary trend and ratio analysis. All that will form a part of the substantive procedures that the auditor might perform. References Alexander, F., 2016. The Changing Face of Accountability. The Journal of Higher Education, 71(4), pp. 411-431. Bromwich, M. Scapens, R., 2016. Management Accounting Research: 25 years on. Management Accounting Research, Volume 31, pp. 1-9. Drew, J., 2017. IASB proposes changes around accounting policies and estimates. Journal Of Accountancy. Laursen, G. Thorlund, J., 2016. Business Analytics for Managers: Taking Business Intelligence Beyond Reporting. Second ed. CANADA: Wiley Publisher. Visinescu, L., Jones, M. Sidorova, A., 2017. Improving Decision Quality: The Role of Business Intelligence. Journal of Computer Information Systems, 57(1), pp. 58-66.

Sunday, March 22, 2020

da Essay Example

da Essay What have I learned about Philosophy?To answer this or any philosophical question, I mustfirst define the key terms in the question.Learned 1, Acquired knowledge or skill.2, Become informed or acquainted.Philosophy 1, The science dealing with the general cause and principles of things. 2, Personal attitude. Now that I have a clear understanding of the key terms I am ready to answer the question at hand.The knowledge that I have acquired about the science dealing with the general cause and principles of things is that I must be clear on my terms.I believe that this is the most important part of Philosophy.If I attempt to answer this or any other question without a clear understanding of the key terms I might incorrectly analysis the question.I can not deal with the general cause and principles of things if Im not clear on their exact meaning. I have also acquired knowledge about others personal attitude.I have learned that there are many different Philosophies one can have, and that one should not prejudge on that Philosophy.I have learned that in most peoples minds they are right.There are many different perspectives that one could take on the same topic.One instance is many women believe that it is not moral to have sex on afirst date.I on the other hand as do many men do not believe that it is immoral to have sex on thefirst date.Is either of us wrong?No, we both just have different perspectives on the subject, and neither of us should be too quick to judge the other on their perspective. We all grew up in different areas with different friends and role models.These role models and friends have a great effect on the way we perceive things.Many little girls grow up with there moms and dads telling them how special their bodies are and that they should only share this special gift with there ! husband.On the other hand little boys receive praise when they get therefi

Thursday, March 5, 2020

How Nail Polish Works and What Its Made Of

How Nail Polish Works and What It's Made Of Nail polish is a type of lacquer thats used to decorate fingernails and toenails. Because it has to be strong, flexible and resist chipping and peeling, nail polish contains a number of chemicals. Heres a look at the chemical composition of nail polish and the function of each of the ingredients. Chemical Composition of Nail Polish Basic clear nail polish can be made from nitrocellulose dissolved in butyl acetate or ethyl acetate. The nitrocellulose forms a shiny film as the acetate solvent evaporates. However, most polishes contain an extensive list of ingredients. Solvents Solvents are liquids used to mix other ingredients in nail polish to yield a uniform product. Usually, the first ingredient(s) in nail polish are solvents. Once you apply the polish, the solvents evaporate away. The amount and type of solvent determine how thick a polish is and how long it will take to dry. Examples of solvents include ethyl acetate, butyl acetate,  and alcohol. Toluene, xylene,  and formalin or formaldehyde are toxic chemicals that were once common in nail polish but are rarely found now or found only in low concentrations. Film Formers Film formers are chemicals that form the smooth surface on a coat of nail polish. The most common film former is nitrocellulose. Resins Resins make the film adhere to the nail bed. Resins are ingredients that add depth, gloss,  and hardness to the film of nail polish. An example of a polymer used as a resin in nail polish is tosylamide-formaldehyde resin. Plasticizers While resins and film formers give polish strength and gloss, they produce a brittle lacquer. Plasticizers are chemicals that help keep polish flexible and reduce the chance that it will crack or chip, which they do by linking to polymer chains and increasing the distance between them. Camphor is a common plasticizer. Pigments Pigments are chemicals that add color to nail polish. An astonishing variety of chemicals may be used as nail polish pigments. Common pigments include iron oxides and other colorants, such as youd find in paint or varnish. Pearls Nail polish that has a shimmery or glittery effect may contain pearlescent minerals, such as titanium dioxide or ground mica. Some polishes may contain bits of plastic glitter or other additives that produce a special effect.   Additional Ingredients Nail polishes may contain thickening agents, such as stearalkonium hectorite, to keep the other ingredients from separating and to make the polish easier to apply. Some polishes contain ultraviolet filters, such as benozophenone-1, which help prevent discoloration when the polish is exposed to sunlight or other forms of ultraviolet light.

Tuesday, February 18, 2020

CAPM and Fama French Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

CAPM and Fama French - Coursework Example The report uses the Eviews for the data analysis and hypothesis testing for CAPM & FAMA French Model (Dougherty, 2011) The paper is bifurcated into two parts. Part 1 is based on the test of Capital Asset Pricing Model and Fama French Model using the factors for US stocks for the period of 1963 to 2013. Part 2 of the report is based on the audit fees to evaluate whether the firm characteristics explain the cost of audit or not. The capital asset pricing model is referred to as the model that describes the relationship between the risk and return, which determines the appropriate required rate of return on assets. (Sharifzadeh, 2010) The formula for capital asset pricing model is as follows Βi = Beta , which refers to as the sensitivity of the risk premium to the expected return. The risk premium is referred to as the excess ret urn of the market over the risk free return .i.e. (E (Rm) – Rf) Fama & French model is referred to as the extension of capital asset pricing model. The model adds the size and value factors in addition to the market risk factor in capital asset pricing model. The model considers the fact that whether the small cap stocks and value stocks outperform markets on regular basis. This is the reason; Fama French model is referred to as the three factor model. (Bodie, et al., 2009) The section of the report identifies the fact that why should we test CAPM and Fama French Model? The answer is that the CAPM is used to assess the impact on expected return on asset exclusively by the movement in market risk premium. The CAPM gives an ideal situation of how to price securities that are traded in financial markets to determine the expected return on asset. The major reason to use the CAPM model is that the model gives the objective nature of cost of equity, which the model can yield. (Besley & Brigham, 2007) The Fama French model supplements the CAPM model to further evaluate the cost of equity in terms of return on